
How do I compile a 3rd party device driver ?

As an example on how to compile a 3rd party device driver for the 2.6 kernel, lets look at how to compile the [ HWU54G] Wireless driver for Fedora Core.


First, you need to make sure you have the kernel-devel package for your kernel installed. If your kernel is up to date, simply doing a yum install kernel-devel should be enough. Verify that you have a kernel-devel package of the same version as your currently running kernel!

  # yum install kernel-devel
  # uname -a
  # rpm -q kernel-devel

If the versions of your currently running kernel and kernel-devel package do not match, you should probably upgrade the kernel and reboot into that new kernel.

Unpack and build driver


KernelNewbies: FAQ/CompileVendorDriver (last edited 2006-07-01 17:32:37 by RikvanRiel)