#pragma section-numbers on #pragma keywords Linux, Kernel, Operative System, Linus Torvalds, Open Source, drivers #pragma description Summary of the changes and new features merged in the Linux Kernel during the 2.6.39 development cycle /!\ The changelog is not ready due to lazyness^Wtime constraints. /!\ It will be completed in the next days and, of course, it will be ready again for 2.6.40. Meanwhile, you can check the kernel reports in LWN [https://lwn.net/Articles/433854/ (1], [https://lwn.net/Articles/434637/ 2], [https://lwn.net/Articles/435716/ 3)] or H Open [http://www.h-online.com/open/features/What-s-new-in-Linux-2-6-39-1242910.html (1)]