
How to get around in the source code tree?

There exists a number of tools (some proprietoty, some FOSS, some with IDEs..etc. Which one is the best?...

You might be aware of a number of tools that gives you easy access to source trees. But the one I have found best is, without surprise vim/emacs and grep. Mix it with cscope and tags, you don't need anything else.


Set up cscope with the make target cscope

$ pwd
$ make cscope
$ ls cscope*
308K cscope.files   24M  134M cscope.out  190M cscope.po.out
$ cscope -d    # starts cscope


Set up ctags with the make target tags

$ pwd
$ make tags
$ ls tags
61M tags

Once you launch [g]vim editor (emacs should work too, I don't know much about it), make sure tags are set right.

<ESC>:set tags?

Regular Expressions

REs pack a lot of power. The best reason for using them is, that it is not easy. Secondly, the more REs you use, the more familiar with them you grow. Moreover, you would grow more familiar with the source code too.

For example, I want to get to the definition of struct task_struct. I can use cscope

KernelNewbies: FAQ/CodeBrowsing (last edited 2008-09-07 06:16:14 by OmNarasimhan)