
Where do I begin ?

A common question asked by a newbie is "I've just unpacked this huge tarball, and I want to help out, but I don't know where to start!"

It may seem daunting to be confronted with such a large amount of source code, but bear in mind, that very few kernel hackers understand every area of the kernel tree.

People specialise. If you're interested in TCP/IP, you'll not be needing to read the filesystem code. Figure out what it is you want to be working on, and focus on that.

Linux is a professional-quality kernel. This makes it difficult to come up with small "student projects" by which you can learn: often features are already implemented, and at a level that requires a good level of understanding before you can hack on them. However, there are several practical things and useful things you can do until you have learned enough to really start hacking :

Test and benchmark


Kernel janitors

KernelNewbies: FAQ/WhereDoIBegin (last edited 2006-04-18 22:11:26 by c9066751)