If you are working on answering a frequently asked question, please add it to ["FAQsInProgress"]. 1. ["/HowToApplyAPatch"] How do I apply a patch? 1. ["/KernelCompilation"] How do I compile a kernel? 1. ["/get_current"] How does `get_current()` work? 1. ["/LibraryFunctionsInKernel"] Can I use library functions in the kernel ? 1. ["/asmlinkage"] What is `asmlinkage` ? 1. ["/SyscallTrace"] How do I intercept system calls ? 1. ["/People on KernelNewBies"] Who can I find on #kernelnewbies?? 1. ["/System.map"] What is System.map file? 1. ["/WhereDoIBegin"] Where do I begin? 1. ["/ExternAndStaticInlineVariable"] What's the difference between extern and static inline ? 1. ["/VariousKernelTrees"] What are the various kernel trees for ? 1. ["/MajorMinor"] What major/minor does XXX have ? ---- ["CategoryFAQ"]