#pragma section-numbers on #pragma keywords Linux, kernel, operating system, changes, changelog, file system, Linus Torvalds, open source, device drivers #pragma description Summary of the changes and new features merged in the Linux kernel during the 3.9 development cycle Linux 3.9 /!\ /!\ /!\ has not been released /!\ /!\ /!\ This document may not have been finished for the final 3.9 release, meanwhile you can read these articles reporting about the kernel changes * LWN: [https://lwn.net/Articles/539179/ 3.9 Merge window part 1], [https://lwn.net/Articles/539892/ 3.9 Merge window, second episode], [https://lwn.net/Articles/540994/ The conclusion of the 3.9 merge window] * H-Open: Kernel Log: Coming in 3.9 [http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Kernel-Log-Coming-in-3-9-part-1-Filesystems-and-storage-1831197.html Part 1], [http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Kernel-Log-Coming-in-3-9-Part-2-Infrastructure-1838358.html Part 2], [http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Kernel-Log-Coming-in-3-9-Part-3-Drivers-and-networking-1842493.html Part 3] = Driver and architecture-specific changes = All the driver and architecture-specific changes can be found in the [http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_3.9_DriverArch Linux_3.9_DriverArch page] = Various core changes =