
This page has not been completed. Meanwhile, you can read about Linux 4.14 here:

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1. Prominent features

== ==

2. Core (various)

3. File systems

4. Memory management

5. Block layer

6. Tracing, perf and BPF

type that holds references to sock structs. Then with a new sk redirect bpf helper BPF programs can use the map to redirect skbs between sockets. To use this infrastructure a new BPF program BPF_PROG_TYPE_SK_SKB is added that allows users to reference sock details, such as port and ip address fields, to build useful socket layer program [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit], [ commit]

7. Virtualization

8. Cryptography

9. Security

10. Networking

11. Architectures

KernelNewbies: Linux_4.14 (last edited 2017-11-12 14:32:14 by diegocalleja)