Some links with information about programming languages that are useful when programming the kernel. When adding links, please group them by category or from most basic to most advanced. == C == * [[|Wikipedia's]] entry on the C programming language * [[|]] Tutorials on C and C++ * [[|Introduction to C]] A long web page on C * [[|Zed's Learn C the Hard Way]] Alpha release * [[|C quick reference card (pdf)]] * [[|C Cheat Sheet (pdf)]] - actually a lot longer than one sheet, it's like a more detailed version of a quick reference card * [[|ISO-9899 Group's book recommendations]] * [[|Open-Standard Standard]] Latest draft standard for C * [[|About the C standards]] * [[|C Library reference guide]] * [[|IEEE/Open Group POSIX specification; Linux systems]] == Assembler == * [[|Programming from the Ground up]] Downloadable PDF * [[|Intel Assembler 80x86 CodeTable]] an overview of the x86 assembler instructions, on one sheet of paper * if the above page is down, try this [[|cache]] * [[|Ralf Brown's Interrupt List]] exhaustive info about just about every interrupt for the x86/DOS environment, especially useful for the detailed info about BIOS calls [[|here]] * [[|PC Assembly Tutorial]] * [[|]] hardware and software information about x86 and x86-64 CPUs == Perl == * [[|another quick reference card]] * [[|Rex Swain's HTMLified Perl 5 Reference Guide]] - much more detailed than the cards == Python == * [[|Basic Python Tutorial]] == Other links == * [[|GNU Make manual]] * [[|GRUB From the Ground Up]] - a tutorial/introduction * [[|GRUB manual]] * [[|How to Debug Programs]] - an introduction * [[|How To Write Unmaintainable Code]] is a collection of excellent rules for writing code that nobody else can understand. It is an excellent article on how NOT to write programs