
Email: (work)MailTo(sean.parker AT (home)MailTo(seaneparker AT


I'm an application developer at heart - trying to become more proficient at embedded software.

Current Project

PMC-Sierra MIPS, linux-2.6.18+buildroot+busybox embedded custom board development


I come to this Wiki an eager yet humble NEWBIE, and to fulfill 3 purposes:

Sure - people learn from making mistakes - but I seem to make an inordinate amount of them - so by coming at this from a NEWBIE point of view, my writing and explanations will hopefully resonate with a NEWBIE so they understand faster, and can actually start to accomplish something faster than if I hadn't written it.

With that in mind, incorrect information is worse than NO information, so if what I write is wrong please let me know so no one goes astray by it.

Cheers and may God bless you

KernelNewbies: Sean_Parker (last edited 2007-12-09 02:48:34 by ip68-100-20-83)