Rough python script to dump structs from header files to .html.
Endless room to improve, no ego on the part of the developer.
But enough of that.
"""Version: 0.1
Script to descend selected paths in source tree and dump structure
definitions to single HTML page.
We rely heavily on properly formatted code, and appreciate the effort
spent keeping the codebase tidy, so that these regular expressions
can be trivial.
1. Edit the all_your_paths list right after the includes.
One day, this script will reference the .config. But you may want
to constrain it, anyway.
2. Edit the output file path. Obviously these will become command-line
3. Execute script, open output file in web browser (even lynx!).
1. With all three paths below, there are ~2300 structs. So there
needs to be some thought given to organizing.
2. It would be nice to format the output a little more consistently,
but who wants to write a C parser?
3. It would also be cool to detect when structs embed each other, and
then record some dependency information.
License: GPL v2
Copyright 2006, Christopher L. Smith, smitty1elkml@gmail.com
import re
import os
import tempfile
from os.path import join
#Edit the desired list of structs to this list.
root = "/usr/src/linux/"
all_your_paths = []
all_your_paths.append( root + 'arch/i386' )
#all_your_paths.append( root + 'fs/ext3' )
#all_your_paths.append( root + 'include/linux' )
tmp_file = []
output = open( "/mnt/dmz/proj/allstructs.htm", "w" )
FAT_TAB = " " # "
#File scanning regexes
re_h = re.compile("\.h$" ) #a header file
re_s = re.compile("^(struct)\s*([\w|_]*)(.*{$)") #a structure
re_c = re.compile("^}.*;$") #end of a struct
struct_names = {} #index builder
long_name = 0
struct_counter = 1
def print_struct( file_handle, i ):
"""Keep printing out lines until re_c strikes gold, and return
the line on which it does.
#wikis are fun
for line in file_handle:
if re_c.search( line ):
return line[ 0:len(line) - 1 ]
tmp_file.append( str(line[ 0:len(line) - 1 ]).replace( "\t"
+ "
" )
i += 1
def scan_file( path_name, file_handle, i ):
"""Walk FILE_HANDLE, dumping structures to TMP_FILE.
#wikis are fun
global long_name
global struct_counter
for line in file_handle:
m = re_s.match( line )
if ( m ):
the_name = m.group(2)
print the_name
if not the_name in struct_names:
struct_names[the_name] = 0
if ( len(the_name) > long_name ):
long_name = len(the_name)
struct_names[the_name] += 1
tmp_file.append( "
file: %s line: %s
".replace( "\t"
, FAT_TAB ) \
% ( path_name, i ) )
#tmp_file.append( "%s.
" \
# % struct_counter )
struct_counter += 1
tmp_file.append( "%s %s%s
".replace( "\t"
, FAT_TAB ) \
% ( m.group(1)
, m.group(2)
, m.group(2)
, m.group(3) ))
tmp_file.append( print_struct( file_handle, i ) + "
" )
i += 1
def descend_path( start_here ):
"""START_HERE is the root of the tree descent to look for structures.
We blindly depend on good code formatting discipline for this to work.
#wikis are fun
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( start_here ):
for name in files:
if re_h.search( name ):
p = join( root , name )
f = open( p , 'r' )
i = 1
scan_file( p, f, i )
def format_struct_names( key_list, long_name ):
"""After all of the processing is done, we take the list of keys,
sort it, and print it to the output file as hyperlinks.
#wikis are fun
structs_per_col = len(key_list) // COLUMN_COUNT
overflow_cols = len(key_list) % COLUMN_COUNT
index = 0
running_total = 0
fib = ""
output.write( "
" )
for col_counter in range( 0, COLUMN_COUNT ):
column_chunk = structs_per_col
fib = " " if ( col_counter < overflow_cols ): column_chunk += 1 fib = "" for index in range( 0, column_chunk ): output.write( "%s " \ % ( key_list[index + running_total] , key_list[index + running_total] )) running_total = running_total + index + 1 output.write( " | " ) output.write( " |