
You have to source [wiki:roelkluin/cvars cvars] to use these tools and run these commands in your git Linux kernel directory.


gg does something like

git grep -n -E [other_options] "$(bli2 "$1")"


bli2() parses a string and transforms it into a more complex extended regexp, which it simply echoes.

To understand how it parses things try these:

bli2 "@V"
bli2 "@d"
bli2 " "
bli2 "

Note that @V will catch the identifier of a simple local variable, @d will catch a number (even if it's a hex or 1ull), spaces are squeezed and parsed to match optional spaces.

bli2 pattern

echoed (description)

echoed literal

number of backrefs

any space

optional space


no backref


exclamation mark (because bash otherwise bangs)


no backref


obligatory space


no backref




no backref


identifier in only uppercases


no backref


a non-alnumeric


no backref


a non-alnumeric or extension to the left of a variable


no backref


(pointer) member, array

see `bli2 "@w"'

one backref


any number

see `bli2 "@d"'

one backref


up to 2 nested parentheses

see `bli2 "\(...\)"'

two backrefs


up to 2 nested curly brackets

see `bli2 "\{...\}"'

two backrefs


up to 2 nested square brackets

see `bli2 "\[...\]"'

two backrefs


characters optionally followed by up to 2 nested parentheses

see `bli2 "\(...\)"'

three backrefs


characters optionally followed by up to 2 curly brackets

see `bli2 "\{...\}"'

three backrefs


up to 8 curly brackets

see `bli2 "\(...\)"'

eight backrefs


I wrote this to do a multiline (git-)grep

lets say we want to search for an erroneous pattern like this:

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {}
if (i > n) ...

We can match this with:

gres -B1 -A40 "@V < @d ;" "for \( (@V) = @d ; \1 < (@d) ; \1 \+\+ \) \{.8.\}@n if \( \1 > \3 \)"

For me - I currently have kernel version 2.6.33-rc2 - this results after a few seconds in:

---[ vi drivers/mmc/host/s3cmci.c +1209 ]---
        /* Set clock */
        for (mci_psc = 0; mci_psc < 255; mci_psc++) {
                host->real_rate = host->clk_rate / (host->clk_div*(mci_psc+1));

                if (host->real_rate <= ios->clock)

        if (mci_psc > 255)
                mci_psc = 255;

        host->prescaler = mci_psc;
        writel(host->prescaler, host->base + S3C2410_SDIPRE);

        /* If requested clock is 0, real_rate will be 0, too */
        if (ios->clock == 0)
                host->real_rate = 0;

So how does it work? gres does something in the order of:

git grep -E -n -other_opts "$(bli2 "$1")" -- '*.c' '*.h' | sed -n -r "$(ecsed2 "${@:2})"

The -B1' and -A40' are passed to git-grep, bli2() parses the first pattern and subsequent patterns are passed to ecsed2().


ecsed2() parses the `git grep' output and prints only the ones of which the last passed pattern matches, prior patterns (if any) are excluded.

More in detail:

gg -B1 -A40 "@V < @d ;"

The first of the `path/to/filename.c-301-' is transformed into a vi command, the remainder are removed. Also any comments are removed before pattern matching. newlines are extended. For each match that git grep piped to sed If an exclusion pattern matches or if before the first pattern matched an end-of-function- or end-of-match-pattern occurred, i.e. respectively "}" and "--", nothing is displayed.

KernelNewbies: roelkluin/cvars_howto (last edited 2009-12-28 14:55:45 by d133062)