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== Your Name == Roel Kluin |
== Roel Kluin == |
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some scripts for configuring a kernel: | all code is (c) Roel kluin, 2007 GNU GPL V.2. ==Examples== These may require the variables in the script 'vars' below, and should be called in a git tree. I simply paste them into my console (bash). some of Match Unlikely(x) ?= y {{{ git-grep -n "\(un\)\?likely$s([^()]*\(([^()]*)[^()]*\)*)$s.=" }}} These can be replaced with strchr {{{ E="\([^\"\\]\|\\[\\tnr\?'\"0bafv]\|\\[0-7]\{1,3\}\|\\[a-f0-9]\{1,2\}\|\\[A-F0-9]\{1,2\}\)" git-grep -n "strstr$s($s$W$s,$s\"$E\"$s)" }}} Show module initializing functions, not using {{{__init}}} or similarly exit {{{ git-grep -n "\(void\|int\)$s[[:alnum:]_]*module_[ei][xn]it(void)" | grep -v "__[ie][xn]it" }}} Matches if(function) BUG() {{{ q="${s}if$s(\($ccode$Q\)\?$L$s($ccode)$s$ccode$s)" git-grep -n -B1 "^\($q\)\?${s}BUG($s)$s;$cendl" | grep "$q$cendl" | grep -v "\(sizeof\|unlikely\|likely\)($ccode)" | less }}} A sed script to audit ioremap/iounmap balancing (can be adapted for others) {{{ git-grep -l '[^[:alnum:]]ioremap' | while read g; do echo "--------------------------[ $g ]--------------------------" sed -n "/[^[:alnum:]]ioremap.*(\(.*\))/,/^[}{]$/{ s/\(.*return.*\)/\1\t\t-------return/ tp s/\(.*goto.*\)/\1\t\t------goto/ tp s/\(.*iounmap.*\)/\1\t\t<----/ tp s/\(.*ioremap.*\)/\1\t\t---->/ Tp = :p p }" $g done | less }}} Make sure no-one is freeing skbs with kfree instead of kfree_skb {{{ for f in $(git-grep -l "struct${s}sk_buff"); do sed -n "s/^.*struct${S}sk_buff${s}\*${s}\(${V}\)$Q.*$/\1/p" $f | sort | uniq | while read n; do sed -n "/struct${s}sk_buff${s}\*${s}${n}/,/^[{}].*$/{ /kfree(${s}${n}${s})/= }" $f | while read q; do echo -e "kfreeing sk_buff $n at line $q in $f\n$q"; sed -n "/struct${s}sk_buff${s}\*${s}${n}/,/^[{}].*$/p" $f; done done done 2>&1 | less }}} matches a comparison as the last argument of a function. This may be correct but it is sometimes a misplaced check (and should be placed after the parenthesis instead). Use getcalls and/or getfunc to determine whether a boolean as the last argument is correct. {{{ h="\(([^()]*)\)\+"; git-grep -n -A9 ",[^);,]*=" | sed -n "s/^\([^\.]*\.[chsS]-[0-9]*-\|\([^\.]*\.[chsS]:[0-9]*:\)$s\)\(.*\)$/\2\3/p" | tr "\n" "@" | grep -o "@[^@]*$W$s(\(\([^,()]*\|$h\)*,\)\+\([^,()]*\|$h\)*[^\"]=${s}[^\",()]*)${s}[)&|]" | tr "@\t" " " | tr -s " " | less }}} Find values used as a boolean instead of the more common bitwise {{{ f1="\($W${s}[&|]\|[0-9]\+${s}[&|]\|)${s}[&|]\)" # adds 2 h="\(([^()]*\(([^()]*\(([^()]*)[^()]*\)*[^()]*)[^()]*\)*)\)\?" git-grep "\($f1$s$V$s$h$s\(&&\|||\|)\|?\)\|\(&&\|||\|(\)$s$V$s$h${s}[&|]$s\([0-9]*\($W\|[^0]\)[0-9]*\)\)" | sed -n "s/^.*\($f1$s\($V\)$s\(([^()]*)\)\?$s\(&&\|||\|)\)\|\(&&\|||\|(\)$s\($V\)$s\(([^()]*)\)\?${s}[&|]$s\([0-9]*\($W\|[^0]\)[0-9]*\)\).*$/\4\8/p" | while read n; do echo "$n"; done | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | while read n a; do b=$(git-grep -n "\(\(\(if\|while\)$s(\|&&\|||\|\!\)$s$a$s\(&&\|||\|\|)?\|(\)\|\(&&\|||\|(\)$s$a$s\(&&\|||\|(\|?\)\)" | grep -v "Kconfig") [ -z "$b" ] && continue; c=`echo "$b" | wc -l` let d=$(($n/$c)) echo "----[ a=\"$a\" # used $n times as bitwise, $c times as boolean, div $d ]----" [ $c -gt 20 ] && continue; [ $d -lt 5 ] && continue; echo "$b" done | less }}} ==scripts== I called it vars, it contains some useful functions for kernel hacking. usage: "source path/to/vars" N.B. do not source this in the shell where you will compile the kernel ($Q is used in Makefiles as well, which will give problems) {{{ #!/bin/bash # (c) Roel kluin, 2008 GNU GPL V.2 # a number D="[0-9]\+" # we could also use this, to match something like 1ul, floats or hexes as well: # but the parentheses will cost one backreference for (git-)grep d="\([0-9]\+[uUlLfF]\?\|[0-9]\+[uU]\?[lL][lL]\?\|0x[a-f0-9]\+\|0x[A-F0-9]\+\|[0-9]\+[lL][lL][uU]\|[0-9]*\.[0-9]\+[fF]\?\)" # can be used for a variable/function name: V="[A-Za-z_]\+[A-Za-z0-9_]*" # capital: a config option/definition K="[A-Z]\+[A-Z0-9_]*"; # works the same as above, but also for members and arrays: one backreference W="$V\(\[$s$V$s\]\|\[$s$D$s\]\|\.$V\|->$V\)*" # seperators: s="[[:space:]]*"; S="[[:space:]]\+" # useful to delimit a variable name: Q="[^[:alnum:]_]" # match the end of the line, including comments: one backreference (but at eol) cendl="$s\(\/[\*\/].*\)\?$" # match something that is not comment, string or character: 2 backreferences ccode="\([^\/\"']*\|\/[^\*\/]\|\/\*\([^\*]*\|\**[^\/\*]\)*\*\/\|'[^']*'\|\"[^\"]*\"\)*" # resp function open and end (only works when indentation is correct. fo="^[\{]$cendl" fe="^[\}]$cendl" alias gg="git-grep -n" # Usage: v /path/to/sourcefile.c:1 # (as pasted from git-grep -n) v() { [ -n "$1" ] && vi ${1%[:-]*} +${1##*[:-]} } # works similar to git-grep -n "$query" | tr ":" " " # except that :'s in the line are preserved ggrep2fnl() { git-grep -n "$1" | while read fnl; do f="$(echo "$fnl"| cut -d":" -f1)"; e="$(echo "$f" | rev | cut --complement -c3- | rev)"; [ "$e" != ".h" -a "$e" != ".c" ] && continue; echo "$f $(echo "$fnl"| cut -d":" -f2) $(echo "$fnl"| cut -d":" -f3-)"; done } #print function declaration at file "$1", line "$2" getfuncat() { head -n$2 "$1" | tac | sed -n "p; /^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*$V$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl/q" | tac #sed -n "/^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*$V$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl/,$(($2 - 1))p" "$1" | sed "{$2,/^[\}]$cendl/p}" } #print function declaration(s) getfunc() { q="^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*$1$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl"; ggrep2fnl "$q" | while read f n l; do [ -z "`echo $l | grep "{$cendl"`" -a \ -n "`sed -n "$n,/{$cendl/{/;/p}" "$f"`" ] && continue echo "//---[ vi $f +$n ]---" [ -n "`echo $l | grep "^$s$1"`" ] && let "n--" sed -n "$n,/$fe/p" "$f" done } # helper to print definition(s) / macro(s) _getdef() { ggrep2fnl "$2" | while read f n l; do echo "---[ vi $f +$n ]---" 1>&2 if [ -z `echo $l | grep "\\$cendl"` ]; then echo $l else sed -n "/$2/,/[^\\]$cendl/p" "$f" fi done } #print definition(s) / macro(s) getdef() { _getdef "$1" "^$s#${s}define$S$1\(([^()]*)\)\?$S" } #print only macro(s) getmac() { _getdef "$1" "^$s#${s}define$S$1([^()]*)$S" } #print function declaration(s) / definition(s) / macro(s) getfod() { getfunc $1; getdef $1; } #print macro(s) or function declaration(s) getfom() { getfunc $1; getmac $1; } # echoes "function name" at file "$1" line "$2" det_func() { q="^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*\($V\)$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl" head "$1" -n"$2" | tac | sed -n "/$q/{s/$q/\2/p;q}" } getcalls() { git-grep -n "\(^\|^$ccode$Q\)$1$s(\($ccode\()$s;\|[^)]\|)$ccode)$ccode\)\)\?$cendl" } }}} |
Line 16: | Line 247: |
#!/bin/bash mod="${1%.ko}"; dir="${1%/*}"; sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' "${dir#*/kernel/}/Makefile" | \ sed -n "s/^obj-\$(CONFIG_\([A-Z0-9_]*\))\W*+=\W*"${mod##*/}"\.o$/\1/p"; }}} a stupid sed script to check ioremap/iounmap balancing (can be adapted for others) {{{ git-grep -l '[^A-Za-z0-9]ioremap' | while read g; do echo "--------------------------[ $g ]--------------------------" sed -n "/[^A-Za-z0-9]ioremap.*(\(.*\))/,/^[}{]$/{ /is_locked/q s/\(.*return.*\)/\1\t\t-------return/ tp s/\(.*goto.*\)/\1\t\t------goto/ tp s/\(.*iounmap.*\)/\1\t\t<----/ tp s/\(.*ioremap.*\)/\1\t\t---->/ Tp = :p p }" $g done | less }}} |
#!/bin/bash mod="${1%.ko}"; dir="${1%/*}"; sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' "${dir#*/kernel/}/Makefile" | \ sed -n "s/^obj-\$(CONFIG_\([A-Z0-9_]*\))\W*+=\W*"${mod##*/}"\.o$/\1/p"; }}} Based on Linus' script to get the email address of a maintainer, I wrote this script to get the address of a list rather than a maintainers address for mailing. {{{ git log --since="1 year ago" "$@" | sed -n "s/^ .[-a-z]*by: \(.*\) <.*$/\1/p" | sort | uniq | sort -n -r | while read name; do sed -n "/^P:[ \t]*.*$name/,/^$/{ s/^L:[ \t]*\(.*\)$/\1/p }" ./MAINTAINERS done | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | while read nr list; do tot=`grep -c "^L:\W*.*$list.*" ./MAINTAINERS` echo "`expr $nr / \( $tot + 1 \)` $nr $tot $list" done | sort -r | cut -d " " -f2- | while read nr tot list; do echo -e "$nr/$tot Acks were commited by maintainers of list $list" done }}} |
Roel Kluin
Email: MailTo(12o3l AT SPAMFREE tiscali DOT nl) ...
all code is (c) Roel kluin, 2007 GNU GPL V.2.
These may require the variables in the script 'vars' below, and should be called in a git tree. I simply paste them into my console (bash).
some of
Match Unlikely(x) ?= y
git-grep -n "\(un\)\?likely$s([^()]*\(([^()]*)[^()]*\)*)$s.="
These can be replaced with strchr
E="\([^\"\\]\|\\[\\tnr\?'\"0bafv]\|\\[0-7]\{1,3\}\|\\[a-f0-9]\{1,2\}\|\\[A-F0-9]\{1,2\}\)" git-grep -n "strstr$s($s$W$s,$s\"$E\"$s)"
Show module initializing functions, not using __init or similarly exit
git-grep -n "\(void\|int\)$s[[:alnum:]_]*module_[ei][xn]it(void)" | grep -v "__[ie][xn]it"
Matches if(function) BUG()
q="${s}if$s(\($ccode$Q\)\?$L$s($ccode)$s$ccode$s)" git-grep -n -B1 "^\($q\)\?${s}BUG($s)$s;$cendl" | grep "$q$cendl" | grep -v "\(sizeof\|unlikely\|likely\)($ccode)" | less
A sed script to audit ioremap/iounmap balancing (can be adapted for others)
git-grep -l '[^[:alnum:]]ioremap' | while read g; do echo "--------------------------[ $g ]--------------------------" sed -n "/[^[:alnum:]]ioremap.*(\(.*\))/,/^[}{]$/{ s/\(.*return.*\)/\1\t\t-------return/ tp s/\(.*goto.*\)/\1\t\t------goto/ tp s/\(.*iounmap.*\)/\1\t\t<----/ tp s/\(.*ioremap.*\)/\1\t\t---->/ Tp = :p p }" $g done | less
Make sure no-one is freeing skbs with kfree instead of kfree_skb
for f in $(git-grep -l "struct${s}sk_buff"); do sed -n "s/^.*struct${S}sk_buff${s}\*${s}\(${V}\)$Q.*$/\1/p" $f | sort | uniq | while read n; do sed -n "/struct${s}sk_buff${s}\*${s}${n}/,/^[{}].*$/{ /kfree(${s}${n}${s})/= }" $f | while read q; do echo -e "kfreeing sk_buff $n at line $q in $f\n$q"; sed -n "/struct${s}sk_buff${s}\*${s}${n}/,/^[{}].*$/p" $f; done done done 2>&1 | less
matches a comparison as the last argument of a function. This may be correct but it is sometimes a misplaced check (and should be placed after the parenthesis instead). Use getcalls and/or getfunc to determine whether a boolean as the last argument is correct.
h="\(([^()]*)\)\+"; git-grep -n -A9 ",[^);,]*=" | sed -n "s/^\([^\.]*\.[chsS]-[0-9]*-\|\([^\.]*\.[chsS]:[0-9]*:\)$s\)\(.*\)$/\2\3/p" | tr "\n" "@" | grep -o "@[^@]*$W$s(\(\([^,()]*\|$h\)*,\)\+\([^,()]*\|$h\)*[^\"]=${s}[^\",()]*)${s}[)&|]" | tr "@\t" " " | tr -s " " | less
Find values used as a boolean instead of the more common bitwise
f1="\($W${s}[&|]\|[0-9]\+${s}[&|]\|)${s}[&|]\)" # adds 2 h="\(([^()]*\(([^()]*\(([^()]*)[^()]*\)*[^()]*)[^()]*\)*)\)\?" git-grep "\($f1$s$V$s$h$s\(&&\|||\|)\|?\)\|\(&&\|||\|(\)$s$V$s$h${s}[&|]$s\([0-9]*\($W\|[^0]\)[0-9]*\)\)" | sed -n "s/^.*\($f1$s\($V\)$s\(([^()]*)\)\?$s\(&&\|||\|)\)\|\(&&\|||\|(\)$s\($V\)$s\(([^()]*)\)\?${s}[&|]$s\([0-9]*\($W\|[^0]\)[0-9]*\)\).*$/\4\8/p" | while read n; do echo "$n"; done | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | while read n a; do b=$(git-grep -n "\(\(\(if\|while\)$s(\|&&\|||\|\!\)$s$a$s\(&&\|||\|\|)?\|(\)\|\(&&\|||\|(\)$s$a$s\(&&\|||\|(\|?\)\)" | grep -v "Kconfig") [ -z "$b" ] && continue; c=`echo "$b" | wc -l` let d=$(($n/$c)) echo "----[ a=\"$a\" # used $n times as bitwise, $c times as boolean, div $d ]----" [ $c -gt 20 ] && continue; [ $d -lt 5 ] && continue; echo "$b" done | less
I called it vars, it contains some useful functions for kernel hacking. usage: "source path/to/vars" N.B. do not source this in the shell where you will compile the kernel ($Q is used in Makefiles as well, which will give problems)
# (c) Roel kluin, 2008 GNU GPL V.2 # a number D="[0-9]\+" # we could also use this, to match something like 1ul, floats or hexes as well: # but the parentheses will cost one backreference for (git-)grep d="\([0-9]\+[uUlLfF]\?\|[0-9]\+[uU]\?[lL][lL]\?\|0x[a-f0-9]\+\|0x[A-F0-9]\+\|[0-9]\+[lL][lL][uU]\|[0-9]*\.[0-9]\+[fF]\?\)" # can be used for a variable/function name: V="[A-Za-z_]\+[A-Za-z0-9_]*" # capital: a config option/definition K="[A-Z]\+[A-Z0-9_]*"; # works the same as above, but also for members and arrays: one backreference W="$V\(\[$s$V$s\]\|\[$s$D$s\]\|\.$V\|->$V\)*" # seperators: s="[[:space:]]*"; S="[[:space:]]\+" # useful to delimit a variable name: Q="[^[:alnum:]_]" # match the end of the line, including comments: one backreference (but at eol) cendl="$s\(\/[\*\/].*\)\?$" # match something that is not comment, string or character: 2 backreferences ccode="\([^\/\"']*\|\/[^\*\/]\|\/\*\([^\*]*\|\**[^\/\*]\)*\*\/\|'[^']*'\|\"[^\"]*\"\)*" # resp function open and end (only works when indentation is correct. fo="^[\{]$cendl" fe="^[\}]$cendl" alias gg="git-grep -n" # Usage: v /path/to/sourcefile.c:1 # (as pasted from git-grep -n) v() { [ -n "$1" ] && vi ${1%[:-]*} +${1##*[:-]} } # works similar to git-grep -n "$query" | tr ":" " " # except that :'s in the line are preserved ggrep2fnl() { git-grep -n "$1" | while read fnl; do f="$(echo "$fnl"| cut -d":" -f1)"; e="$(echo "$f" | rev | cut --complement -c3- | rev)"; [ "$e" != ".h" -a "$e" != ".c" ] && continue; echo "$f $(echo "$fnl"| cut -d":" -f2) $(echo "$fnl"| cut -d":" -f3-)"; done } #print function declaration at file "$1", line "$2" getfuncat() { head -n$2 "$1" | tac | sed -n "p; /^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*$V$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl/q" | tac #sed -n "/^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*$V$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl/,$(($2 - 1))p" "$1" | sed "{$2,/^[\}]$cendl/p}" } #print function declaration(s) getfunc() { q="^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*$1$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl"; ggrep2fnl "$q" | while read f n l; do [ -z "`echo $l | grep "{$cendl"`" -a \ -n "`sed -n "$n,/{$cendl/{/;/p}" "$f"`" ] && continue echo "//---[ vi $f +$n ]---" [ -n "`echo $l | grep "^$s$1"`" ] && let "n--" sed -n "$n,/$fe/p" "$f" done } # helper to print definition(s) / macro(s) _getdef() { ggrep2fnl "$2" | while read f n l; do echo "---[ vi $f +$n ]---" 1>&2 if [ -z `echo $l | grep "\\$cendl"` ]; then echo $l else sed -n "/$2/,/[^\\]$cendl/p" "$f" fi done } #print definition(s) / macro(s) getdef() { _getdef "$1" "^$s#${s}define$S$1\(([^()]*)\)\?$S" } #print only macro(s) getmac() { _getdef "$1" "^$s#${s}define$S$1([^()]*)$S" } #print function declaration(s) / definition(s) / macro(s) getfod() { getfunc $1; getdef $1; } #print macro(s) or function declaration(s) getfom() { getfunc $1; getmac $1; } # echoes "function name" at file "$1" line "$2" det_func() { q="^\(${V}[*&[:space:]]\+\)*\($V\)$s(${ccode}[^;]$cendl" head "$1" -n"$2" | tac | sed -n "/$q/{s/$q/\2/p;q}" } getcalls() { git-grep -n "\(^\|^$ccode$Q\)$1$s(\($ccode\()$s;\|[^)]\|)$ccode)$ccode\)\)\?$cendl" }
To translate a module name (as listed in modprobe -l or modinfo -n module) into a kernel .config option:
mod="${1%.ko}"; dir="${1%/*}"; sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' "${dir#*/kernel/}/Makefile" | \ sed -n "s/^obj-\$(CONFIG_\([A-Z0-9_]*\))\W*+=\W*"${mod##*/}"\.o$/\1/p";
Based on Linus' script to get the email address of a maintainer, I wrote this script to get the address of a list rather than a maintainers address for mailing.
git log --since="1 year ago" "$@" | sed -n "s/^ .[-a-z]*by: \(.*\) <.*$/\1/p" | sort | uniq | sort -n -r | while read name; do sed -n "/^P:[ \t]*.*$name/,/^$/{ s/^L:[ \t]*\(.*\)$/\1/p }" ./MAINTAINERS done | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | while read nr list; do tot=`grep -c "^L:\W*.*$list.*" ./MAINTAINERS` echo "`expr $nr / \( $tot + 1 \)` $nr $tot $list" done | sort -r | cut -d " " -f2- | while read nr tot list; do echo -e "$nr/$tot Acks were commited by maintainers of list $list" done